Any good color picker where I do not have to download software?

Hi Everyone,

I’ve been diving deeper into web design and one thing I’m finding a bit challenging is color picking. I have tried a few desktop applications.

Does anyone have any recommendations for an online color picker tool that can be used straight from the browser? Ideally, I’m looking for a tool that can pick any color from the screen without needing to download any software.

Another key factor is that it should work well on desktop devices.

I would appreciate any recommendations.

Thanks in advance for your help!


The Firefox browser has built in Eyedropper,

Click > Tools > Browser Tools > Eyedropper

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To add to what @snadyleiby said — each browser has a nice color picker in the dev tools. If you set a color on an element, it shows up in the inspector with a box showing the color. If you click on that, you get a color picker, and you can set any color, and see it live on screen! Really handy.

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